


FIRST OF ALL PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! NOW,is the time to just,thank the lord,for all things. first of all,i am thankful, for his son,JESUS CHRIST. God,has shown me, the marvelous things,he can do for me.By accepting Jesus,my life has changed in great ways. My witness to all, that are seeking Jesus,trust in him, and believe. You know,the old saying,'IF I KNEW A LONG TIME AGO'. Well,the truth is, i knew, but decided that,i would wait until,i was ready and cleaned up. For some,they do get that chance,and it's too late. Well, I decided to not let anybody,hold me back!!! GOD wants the best for me. My prayer, is that if there is someone,who is facing adversity and don't know what to do. Come to Jesus,you will make the best decision of your life. I know, i have. GOD LOVES YOU TOO!!!! HE ALWAYS HAS DIRTY OR CLEAN!!!!!


Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord everyone! I want to thank all of you who have encouraged my husband, Marcus, to remain diligent in getting this website up and running. Thank you for all of your comments and thank you to the ones who read and are not YET a part of our wonderful ministry. If any of you haven't had the "Christ the King" experience it is definately worth being a part of. God has blessed our pastors with such revelation knowledge that they truly can speak to the multitudes! God is working in this house and people are being delivered from all kinds of strongholds. Such a strong word was given by Evangalist King during prayer this morning and I would like to share it because the prayer was so real..."Let not the people come just to be in the house of the Lord, but let the POWER of the house be in them!" Amen!


who is Jesus?

With Christmas still fresh in our minds And the thoughts of the birth our Saviour. Lets look at just who Jesus is.
He spoke and galaxies whirled into place. Planets began orbiting their suns. Words of unlimited power unleashed power He spoke again and the waters and lands were filled with creatures, running, swiming, crawling. words of life. Then he spoke and man and women were formed. Speaking thinking and LOVING
words of personal creative glory.
And then He came in the flesh to a planet called earth. The great creator became part of our universe. For me this is proof psitive of his Love for us to rescue us from sin, sickness, and death, to give us the gift of eternity. He is the word, He is Jesus He is the messiah. Read Exodus 3:14
In the gospel of John alone Christ described Himself seven timeswith "I AM"statements. 6:35,8:12, !0: 9,!0:11
11:25,14:6,15: 1
Many times we think of Jesus as the infant baby at Christmas time He is not just another baby. He is the Son of God That left all the comforts of heaven to come to earth. Thiis shows us what the Father is like an just how much He Loves us.
How and what can we do to INCREASE our reltionship with Him? That my friend is What God desires from us And that is in my opinion who Jesus Is . please share your thoughts and stay focussed on God
God bless you all REAL GOOD.
IN his service Mister Ed/ miss Ruth


god is in this house

i am proud to be one of god's this house there is love and definitely leadership,for the walk with the lord.i thank,god for the mighty man and woman,he placed in this house.


Thank You

We love being a part of this church, I have no doubt that God has led my family and I straight to the door of Christ the King. I love Sunday morning services and listening to Pastor Sam, I always feel that he is speaking right to me. Thank you Lord for this wonderful church and for my life. Amen.

Fantastic work on the site !


A church on the go

Just stopping by to say good job!We are on the move and blessed to have such awesome leaders and members!


stay repin Christ

Yo da web site is hard fam, lettin God the Holy Spirit use us to rep Christ on da real, he got us doin it big fam no doubt we blessed and highly favored ya digg!!! We gettin souls wit and for da king



I like your website, keep holding up the bloodstained banner :)


way to go

looking good and i know God is going to wonders through this site....go ahead guys Love ya

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